
Discover Overstory, the comprehensive and accurate marketing measurement platform. Drive incremental growth with Multi-Touch Attribution, Incrementality Modeling, and Matched Market Testing.
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Marketing ProfessionalsData AnalystsDigital AdvertisersBusiness StrategistsBrand ManagersMarketing AgenciesSmall Business OwnersLarge Enterprise MarketersCampaign ManagersMarket Researchers
Basic Plan: $99/monthProfessional Plan: $299/monthEnterprise Plan: Custom pricing

Overstory Introduction

Overstory is a sophisticated all-in-one marketing measurement platform designed to drive incremental business growth in a data-driven, cookie less environment. As marketers gear towards acquiring accurate and substantial insights into their efforts, Overstory stands out by integrating a plethora of valuable features that work in unison to bridge the gap between estimation and real impact. The platform prides itself on its first-party measurement capabilities that provide profit-boosting precision and long-term value realization. Overstory's core offerings include Multi-Touch Attribution, Incrementality Modeling, and Matched Market Testing.</br> </br> **Website Positioning:** Overstory positions itself as the ultimate solution for marketers seeking a comprehensive tool to measure and interpret the true impact of their marketing strategies. It is painted as an essential asset in a marketer's toolkit, allowing for the isolation and understanding of incremental growth drivers. </br> </br> **Target Audience:** The target audience encompasses marketing professionals, data analysts, digital advertisers, business strategists, brand managers, and marketing agencies. Essentially, anyone heavily involved in the marketing domain from small businesses to large enterprises that need precise measurements of their marketing efforts will find Overstory indispensable.</br> </br> **Core Features:** The platform combines Multi-Touch Attribution, Incrementality Modeling, and Matched Market Testing into a cohesive product. This fusion enables users to accurately estimate incremental impact, validate iROI contributions with granularity, and efficiently conduct market testing—ensuring a data-driven approach to growth. </br> </br> **Content Features:** Overstory's content structure revolves around emphasizing its precise measurement methodologies. It highlights features such as AI trained models, observable and validated data, fast and granular analysis, and robust market testing capabilities. All these are presented with detailed method descriptions and actionable insights for users. </br> </br> **User Experience:** The user experience promises a seamless and efficient workflow as it aggregates various analysis tools into a single platform. Users benefit from real-time, comprehensive insights into their marketing activities without needing to juggle multiple conflicting ROI estimations. Clear navigation and quick access to core functionalities make it user-friendly for both novices and experts.</br> </br> **Technical Features:** Overstory employs cutting-edge AI technology to train models that understand and predict impact weight and timescales precisely. The platform uses a cookie less but durable approach to ensure data privacy while maintaining actionable insights. It allows for scalable testing, making it easy to launch and monitor multiple campaigns simultaneously.</br> </br> With Overstory, marketers gain a powerful ally in disentangling the complex web of marketing performance data, transforming abstract figures into coherent strategies for sustainable profitable growth.

Overstory Top Features

  1. Multi-Touch Attribution
  2. Incrementality Modeling
  3. Matched Market Testing
  4. AI-Trained Models
  5. Granular Analysis
  6. Scalable Testing
  7. First-Party Measurement
  8. Observable and Validated Data
  9. Precise Lift Percentage Metrics
  10. Integration of Training, Testing, and Incrementality Analysis

Overstory Usecases

  1. A marketing professional wants to gauge the true impact of a recent multi-channel advertising campaign. They use Overstory's Multi-Touch Attribution to estimate the attributable lifetime value of observed customer journeys and shift from conflicting ROIs to a unified iROI model.
  2. A digital advertiser needs to validate the ROI contributions from different channels in their advertising mix swiftly and accurately. They leverage Overstory's Incrementality Modeling which uses AI-trained models to break the data into training, testing, and incrementality analysis phases, thus providing granular and validated insights.
  3. A brand manager is planning to launch a new product and needs to test various marketing channels to choose the most effective one. They deploy Overstory's Matched Market Testing feature, which helps them test any channel or campaign, finding the best-matched markets and providing precise lift percentages.
  4. A data analyst at a large enterprise is tasked with analyzing marketing campaigns for incremental impacts. They use Overstory to automatically find the best-matched markets, using the robust Difference of Differences Methodology to assess real-world, scalable results, and derive precise metrics.
  5. A marketing agency managing several client campaigns needs a tool to consolidate performance data and deliver consistent, accurate reporting. Overstory's integration of various analysis tools ensures they can offer clients comprehensive insights from a single platform, reducing the complexity and improving campaign strategies.

Overstory Links

  1. Register: https://bonsai.llc/get-started/

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