
Improve your writing in any macOS application with RewriteBar. Correct grammar, change styles, translate text, and more with our AI-powered menubar assistant. Try it free!
AI 콘텐츠 생성기AI 글쓰기 어시스턴트
이 도구의 사용자
Non-native English speakersContent creatorsDevelopersBusiness professionalsStudents
Free: Limited to 100 requests, utilizes GPT-3.5Subscription: $5/month, rewrite up to 1 million words with unlimited app updatesOne-time license: $15 one-time, requires OpenAI API key with unlimited word rewriting and app updates

RewriteBar 소개

RewriteBar is an innovative macOS menubar AI assistant designed to enhance your writing experience across various applications. Tailored for macOS 13.0 (Ventura) or later, RewriteBar integrates seamlessly into your workflow, allowing you to correct grammar mistakes, change writing styles, and translate text without ever leaving your current application. Its primary objective is to increase productivity by providing advanced AI-driven text improvement features that can be utilized in any macOS application. Whether you’re a non-native speaker, a developer, or an indie founder, RewriteBar is crafted to meet your writing needs. With affordable pricing options, including a unique lifetime license offer, RewriteBar ensures top-notch features without financial burden. Ideal for professionals, students, content creators, and anyone looking to refine their writing, RewriteBar simplifies complex sentences, adjusts writing tones, and translates text into over 30 languages. By leveraging macOS's clipboard capabilities, it retrieves selected text, processes it with a large language model, and reinserts the corrected version. The app respects user privacy, ensuring that no data is stored, and operates efficiently within a small footprint. Join a growing community of satisfied users who have improved their writing workflow with RewriteBar's powerful features and convenient integration.

RewriteBar 주요 기능

  1. Grammar and spelling correction
  2. Language simplification
  3. Tone adjustment
  4. Text translation
  5. Paragraph summarization, explanation, and extension
  6. ChatGPT prompt enhancement
  7. Universal application compatibility
  8. Customizable keyboard shortcuts

RewriteBar 사용 사례

  1. A non-native English speaker uses RewriteBar to correct grammar and spelling mistakes in their emails before sending them, ensuring clear communication.
  2. A developer working on international projects utilizes the translation feature to convert code comments and documentation between English and other languages, streamlining collaboration.
  3. A content creator simplifies complex sentences for their audience, making blog posts and articles more accessible to a broader readership.
  4. A business professional adjusts the tone of their Slack messages, transforming casual dialogues into professional communications when addressing higher management.
  5. A student uses the summarization feature to condense lengthy paragraphs from research papers into concise notes, aiding in effective study and review.

RewriteBar 링크

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관련 AI 도구