
Discover MixAudio, the multimodal AI music generator that allows you to create and customize high-quality background music for any project. Perfect for content creators, marketers, and filmmakers, it offers royalty-free music generation with features for text, image, and audio inputs.
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이 도구의 사용자
Content CreatorsMarketing AgenciesFilm ProducersGame DevelopersPodcasters
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MixAudio 소개

MixAudio is an innovative multimodal AI music generator designed for creators who need high-quality background music that is 100% royalty-free. This intuitive platform allows users to generate and customize music using multiple inputs such as text, images, and existing audio tracks, catering to a myriad of creative needs. With a focus on ease of use, MixAudio helps content creators from various industries — including film, advertising, and social media — produce music that enhances the storytelling experience without the legal and financial concerns tied to traditional licensing. The service provides a unique blend of technology and artistry, empowering users to produce professional-sounding tracks tailored to any mood or theme. Furthermore, the platform includes an affiliate program, extensive documentation, and a vibrant community via blogs and social media, reinforcing its commitment to being a comprehensive resource for music generation.

MixAudio 주요 기능

  1. Text-to-Music Generation
  2. Image-to-Music Generation
  3. Audio-to-Music Generation
  4. Customizable Music Themes
  5. 100% Royalty-free Music License

MixAudio 사용 사례

  1. A film producer needs background music for a romantic scene and uses the text-to-music feature to create a soft, emotional track that complements the visuals.
  2. A marketing agency is developing a brand video and inputs keywords and images related to serenity and nature to generate soothing background music that aligns with their brand identity.
  3. A game developer tests various audio input tracks for video game soundscapes and uses the platform to create unique battle theme music that enhances gameplay.
  4. A podcaster needs engaging intro and outro music and utilizes the image-to-music feature to create sounds reflecting the podcast's theme and style.
  5. An event planner curates playlists for a corporate event and employs text and audio-based prompts to create multiple tracks suited for various segments of the event.

MixAudio 링크

  1. 로그인: https://mix.audio/login
  2. 문서: https://mixaudio.notion.site/mixaudio/About-FAQ-EN-4f4ac8c9fc1a4949bcf9b8e723568d61
  3. 가격 책정: https://mix.audio/pricing

관련 AI 도구