
Enhance your audio with ElevenLabs AI voice isolator. Remove background noise from podcasts, films, and interviews for crystal-clear communication.
텍스트 음성 변환AI 도구 디렉토리
이 도구의 사용자
PodcastersFilmmakersContent CreatorsJournalistsBusinesses
Free Plan: Basic features with limitations on usagePro Plan: $10/month, includes advanced voice isolation and priority processingEnterprise Plan: Custom pricing, full feature set, and priority support

ElevenLabs 소개

ElevenLabs is at the forefront of AI-powered audio solutions, offering unparalleled advancements in voice isolation and background noise removal. Specializing in the extraction of crystal-clear speech from any audio source, our tools cater to a diverse audience. Whether you're in film production, podcasting, or conducting interviews, ElevenLabs' voice isolator ensures pristine audio quality by stripping away unwanted background noise. Our platform also offers cutting-edge features like text-to-speech conversions in 29 languages, voice cloning for automated video voiceovers and ad reads, and AI-enhanced audio to elevate your production quality. The versatility and robustness of our tools are designed to match professional standards, making ElevenLabs an industry leader in AI audio solutions.

ElevenLabs 주요 기능

  1. Voice Isolation
  2. Background Noise Removal
  3. Text-to-Speech
  4. Voice Cloning
  5. API Access

ElevenLabs 사용 사례

  1. A podcaster uploads an interview recording to ElevenLabs to remove background city noise, ensuring their listeners get a clean and professional-quality audio experience.
  2. A filmmaker uses ElevenLabs' voice isolator to eliminate unwanted ambient noise from on-location shoots, ensuring that the dialogue in their film is clear and undisturbed.
  3. A content creator takes advantage of the text-to-speech feature to generate narrations for their video content in multiple languages, thereby reaching a broader international audience.
  4. A journalist leverages the voice cloning feature to make quick edits and voiceovers for breaking news stories, maintaining the same voice tone and quality without the need for multiple takes.
  5. A business uses ElevenLabs' API to integrate real-time voice isolation into their customer service application, providing clear and understandable communication for support representatives.

ElevenLabs 링크

  1. 로그인: https://elevenlabs.io/app/sign-in
  2. 회원 가입: https://elevenlabs.io/app/sign-up
  3. 문서: https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/text-to-speech
  4. 가격 책정: https://elevenlabs.io/pricing

관련 AI 도구