Qwiet AI

Discover Qwiet AI, your solution for identifying and remediating code vulnerabilities efficiently. Experience advanced features like AI AutoFix, SAST, SCA, and Container Security, all designed to enhance your software's security effortlessly.
Qwiet AI
Software Development TeamsCybersecurity ExpertsDevOps ManagersIT Compliance OfficersRisk Assessment teams
Free tier with limited scansBasic subscription for small teamsEnterprise subscription with full features

Qwiet AI はじめに

Qwiet AI is at the forefront of cybersecurity, providing a unique platform designed to address the pressing challenges of code vulnerability detection and resolution. As cyber threats evolve, developers and security teams often struggle with increasing complexity and volume of vulnerabilities within their applications. Traditional security tools typically generate excessive false positives, creating a tangled mess of alerts that makes it difficult for security teams to focus on what truly matters. However, Qwiet AI distinguishes itself within the market through its all-in-one scanning capabilities. By employing AI technologies and a unified dashboard, the platform enables a comprehensive assessment of security risks, delivering accurate insights into exploitable vulnerabilities across Source Code Analysis (SAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), and more. It empowers users to not only identify vulnerabilities but also to automatically generate fixes, streamlining the remediation process while significantly reducing false alarms. Designed especially for organizations of all sizes, Qwiet AI appeals to software developers, security engineering teams, compliance managers, and IT managers who need a dependable and efficient means of ensuring code security. Peculiarly beneficial for DevOps environments, Qwiet AI enhances existing CI/CD processes to ensure security without impeding development workflows. Additionally, the user experience is prioritized, offering a navigable and intuitive interface that presents complex data in an accessible format. The technical architecture of Qwiet AI guarantees rapid scanning capabilities without compromising thoroughness or accuracy. With Qwiet AI, users can guard against risks and accelerate their secure coding practices, marking a noteworthy advancement in the cybersecurity domain.

Qwiet AI 主要機能

  1. AI AutoFix
  2. Unified Vulnerability Dashboard
  3. SAST (Static Application Security Testing)
  4. SCA (Software Composition Analysis)
  5. Container Security
  6. Secrets Detection
  7. Prioritization of vulnerabilities based on exploitability

Qwiet AI 使用事例

  1. A software developer uses Qwiet AI to implement SAST scanning on their latest code update to quickly identify vulnerabilities before they progress to production.
  2. A security engineer integrates Qwiet AI within the CI/CD pipeline to automate security checks, resulting in a streamlined workflow for addressing potential code risks.
  3. An IT compliance officer utilizes the platform to conduct a comprehensive analysis of open-source libraries utilized in applications, ensuring all components are secure and compliant.
  4. Management teams use the vulnerability prioritization feature to focus their resources on the most critical vulnerabilities, improving remediation efforts and reducing time-to-fix.
  5. A risk assessment team leverages the automated fix recommendations from Qwiet AI to enhance their incident response capabilities, enabling faster resolutions of security issues.

Qwiet AI リンク

  1. ログイン: https://app.shiftleft.io/login
  2. 登録: https://go.qwiet.ai/request-demo
  3. ドキュメンテーション: https://docs.shiftleft.io/home
