
Discover Marpipe, the leading platform for transforming your dynamic product ads with enriched catalogs, multivariate testing, and AI-powered design tools, crafted for marketers aiming for higher ROAS.
E-commerce marketersDigital ad agenciesBrand managersCreative designersSMB owners
$19.99/month introductory plan$29.99/month standard planTwo for $40 promotional pricing

Marpipe はじめに

Marpipe is an industry-leading platform designed to enhance dynamic product ads (DPAs) through creative automation and multivariate testing. This innovative tool empowers marketing teams to not only create visually appealing advertising content but also optimize and test multiple variations of their ads at scale. With Marpipe, users can seamlessly transform their product feeds into branded, engaging ad creatives that capture attention and drive conversions. The platform is particularly beneficial for brands with multiple stock-keeping units (SKUs), ensuring that each product is represented with unique and targeted advertisements that resonate with their audience. Marpipe's enriched catalogs allow users to leverage product data creatively, ensuring their marketing strategies are both effective and captivating. The platform is equipped with AI-powered design tools that automatically enhance product feeds, leading to improved ad performance across various channels. Additionally, the software provides detailed analytics and insights, which help marketers understand what creative elements drive better performance and return on ad spend (ROAS). Marpipe has garnered a growing community of over 8,000 marketers, referred to as The Catalog Cult, who are dedicated to mastering catalog ads and sharing best practices within the community. With a strong emphasis on user experience, Marpipe ensures that its features are intuitive, allowing users to create impactful ads without requiring extensive technical knowledge. Overall, Marpipe positions itself as an essential tool for e-commerce brands looking to optimize their advertising efforts while maintaining full creative control and keeping costs predictable and manageable.

Marpipe 主要機能

  1. Enriched catalogs for dynamic ad creation
  2. Multivariate testing for ad performance
  3. AI-powered design tools
  4. Detailed analytics and performance insights
  5. Compatibility with all major ad platforms

Marpipe 使用事例

  1. An e-commerce marketer utilizes Marpipe to create dynamic ads by transforming a product catalog into engaging visuals, allowing the brand to maintain a consistent voice while showcasing multiple SKUs.
  2. A digital ad agency employs multivariate testing features within Marpipe to determine the optimal combination of images and text in ads, leading to higher engagement and click-through rates for their clients.
  3. A brand manager leverages analytics tools from Marpipe to analyze which ad creatives perform best across different platforms, enabling data-driven decisions when planning future ad campaigns.
  4. A creative designer uses the AI-powered design tools in Marpipe to enhance product images automatically, ensuring that high-quality visuals are produced and saving time on manual editing.
  5. A small business owner promotes seasonal sales through customized catalog ads, quickly updating the creative visuals via Marpipe without the need for extensive technical skills.

Marpipe リンク

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