
Discover deinPIM, the customizable product information management system designed specifically for your business needs. Enjoy full ownership, flexible hosting options, and a robust feature set that includes product management, media handling, and translation management.
Small to medium-sized enterprises looking for tailored PIM solutionsE-commerce businesses needing efficient product data managementMarketing teams requiring centralized media managementIT departments managing data integrity and complianceInternational companies needing multi-language product support
One-time fee for the complete system including setup and consultationOptional annual software maintenance fee for updates and enhancementsCustom payment plans available based on business needsLease-to-own options discussed on a case-by-case basisCustom projects for specific feature development at budget-friendly rates

deinPIM はじめに

deinPIM is a tailored Product Information Management (PIM) system designed to adapt to your unique business needs, offering a complete solution that empowers businesses to manage their product data effectively. Unlike traditional PIM systems, deinPIM gives you full ownership of the system, including the source code, allowing for customization that reflects your specific workflows and corporate identity. The solution includes a range of powerful features including product management, media management, bulk processing, translation management, and deployment flexibility between on-premises and cloud-based hosting. With an emphasis on user involvement, deinPIM ensures that your team participates actively in the development process, fostering a sense of ownership and satisfaction. The platform is equipped with advanced tools, such as artificial intelligence capabilities for text generation, error checking, and automatic translations, all aimed at improving efficiency and productivity. Additionally, deinPIM adapts to your operational needs, allowing you to define user permissions and customize workflows for each team member. Other notable features include APIs and integrations for seamless data handling, a comprehensive help system for user assistance, and extensive support for initial data import to ensure a smooth transition to the new platform. Your data remains secure and fully under your control, enhancing trust and long-term viability. Emphasizing customer support, deinPIM's dedicated team is always ready to assist with maintenance and development of new features that continue to enhance functionality for your business growth.

deinPIM 主要機能

  1. Customizable PIM system with full ownership
  2. Robust product and media management functionalities
  3. User-defined workflows and branding options
  4. Bulk processing capabilities for efficient data handling
  5. Integration with external applications via APIs

deinPIM 使用事例

  1. A digital marketing team uses deinPIM to manage and automate the product data for their e-commerce platform, ensuring that all product descriptions and images are up-to-date across channels.
  2. An international enterprise leverages the translation management feature to streamline product localization, enabling quicker product launches in new markets.
  3. An IT department collaborates with deinPIM to integrate the system with existing applications, tailoring the export and import functionalities to connect with their ERP system.
  4. A retail manager utilizes bulk processing to update pricing and specifications for hundreds of products at once, drastically reducing manual input time and errors.
  5. A creative team utilizes the media management interface to organize and automatically resize product images and videos, ensuring consistent branding across platforms.

deinPIM リンク

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