
Enhance your local development experience with Lokal.so. Share your localhost with ease, debug incoming requests, and supercharge your workflow with our AI Assistant and powerful S3-compatible server. Start your free trial today!
Asistente de Código con IAHerramientas para Desarrolladores de IA
Usuarios de esta herramienta
Independent developers working on personal projectsSmall development teams needing to collaborate on localhost applicationsStartups wanting a cost-effective way to demonstrate their products to clientsLarge enterprises focused on robust data privacy and internal tools managementFreelancers looking for a reliable way to manage and share their projects with clients
Free 7 days trialLifetime plan at $47.99Professional plan at $60 yearlyEnterprise plan with custom pricing

Lokal.so Introducción

Lokal.so is a modern tool tailored for developers who want to optimize their local development environment with a suite of powerful features. The platform enables developers to easily share their localhost applications publicly, manage multiple endpoints efficiently, and debug incoming requests without the risk of triggering real webhooks. Lokal.so stands out due to its robust self-hosted tunnel server option, providing users with complete freedom and privacy, while also offering a cloud-based tunnel for more extensive reach through Cloudflare's 310+ global locations. With built-in tools such as an AI assistant powered by GPT-4o and a S3 compatible server harnessing users' file systems, developers can enhance their productivity and streamline their workspace. Furthermore, the platform caters to a diverse audience—from individual developers to large enterprises—by offering flexible pricing options, including free trials and subscription-based models, making Lokal.so a versatile choice for efficient local development.

Lokal.so Características Principales

  1. Self-hosted Lokal Tunnel Server
  2. Cloudflare Ephemeral Tunnel for fast site delivery
  3. AI Assistant powered by GPT-4o
  4. Unlimited .local domain across LAN
  5. Built-in S3-compatible file server
  6. JSON to Language Scheme converter
  7. Request inspection, modification, and replay functionalities
  8. Endpoint management with memorable names
  9. Web, Desktop, and CLI interface options
  10. JSON Prettifier & Finder for better data readability
  11. File server for easy sharing with authentication options
  12. Live inspection via WebSocket endpoint
  13. API Gateway capabilities for internal API management

Lokal.so Casos de Uso

  1. A developer needs to showcase their web application to a client remotely, utilizing Lokal.so's public tunnel to share their localhost easily.
  2. A small team works on integrating APIs into their applications, using the JSON Prettifier and AI Assistant to refine their code and data management.
  3. An independent developer wants to debug incoming requests and experiment with different modifications, thereby leveraging the Inspect, Modify, Replay feature seamlessly.
  4. A startup demonstrates how their application performs under real-world conditions using the Cloudflare Tunnel to access global audiences without exposing their server.
  5. An enterprise organization deploys the self-hosted Lokal Tunnel Server to maintain privacy while enabling team members to access internal tools from any location.

Lokal.so Enlaces

  1. Documentación: https://docs.lokal.so/
  2. Precios: https://lokal.so/pricing

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