Velvet AI Gateway

Discover Velvet AI Gateway, the ultimate tool to warehouse and analyze your OpenAI and Anthropic API requests effortlessly. With features like logging, caching, and data query capabilities, Velvet empowers engineers and startups to optimize AI performance and reduce costs.
Velvet AI Gateway
Nutzer dieses Tools
Engineers leveraging AI modelsStartups using OpenAI and Anthropic APIsData scientists working on AI projectsProduct managers optimizing AI featuresDevelopers looking for cost-efficient AI solutions
Free to get startedPremium plans available depending on usage

Velvet AI Gateway Einführung

The Velvet AI Gateway is a powerful technology tool designed to assist engineers and startups in optimizing their applications that leverage OpenAI and Anthropic APIs. It warehouses every AI request made by users into a PostgreSQL database, allowing for detailed monitoring and analysis of data. This functionality proves essential for organizations seeking to understand their AI usage, troubleshoot issues, and fine-tune their applications effectively. Velvet provides an intuitive interface with easy onboarding, requiring only two lines of code to capture and store logs from AI requests. With features like granular querying of logs, caching, and batching optimization, Velvet helps in reducing costs and latency associated with API calls, making it a cost-effective solution for managing AI operations. Velvet maintains a focus on user experience by enabling engineers to observe their application’s performance in real-time, helping them make data-driven decisions without losing any request integrity. Each logged request carries useful metadata, which facilitates comprehensive analysis when evaluating AI models. Velvet aims to streamline operations for engineers, eliminating platform lock-in while offering customizable solutions tailored to the specific needs of various organizations. By optimizing the use of AI models, Velvet is well-positioned in the marketplace as a forward-thinking platform that enables its users to leverage their AI-related data effectively. Targeting innovative startups, engineers and data scientists, Velvet promotes a smooth transition from traditional AI implementation to a more data-centric approach that empowers teams to innovate and evolve.

Velvet AI Gateway Top-Funktionen

  1. Warehouse requests
  2. Analyze usage & costs
  3. Cache requests
  4. Batch jobs
  5. Generate datasets
  6. AI SQL editor

Velvet AI Gateway Anwendungsfälle

  1. A startup uses Velvet to log every request to analyze API usage and evaluate different AI models for cost-effectiveness.
  2. A developer queries Velvet to generate training datasets for fine-tuning their AI application, enhancing model accuracy.
  3. An engineering team optimizes their AI feature performance by enabling caching and monitoring API call latency through Velvet.
  4. A product manager analyzes model usage over different time frames using Velvet to identify the overall effectiveness of their AI features.
  5. Data scientists switch between various models to determine the best fit for their application while ensuring previous request data is preserved in Velvet.

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