
Discover SeaTable, a versatile data management tool combining Excel simplicity with database power. Perfect for marketing, HR, sales, and project management. Start free!
موقع الويبدليل أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي
مستخدمو هذه الأداة
Marketing professionalsProject managersHR managersSales teamsSoftware developers
Free - Basic functionalities with limited storage.Plus - Enhanced features and more storage.Enterprise - Premium features, unlimited storage, and priority support.Dedicated - Tailored solution for large organizations.Server - On-premises hosting for ultimate control and data sovereignty.

SeaTable مقدمة

SeaTable is a cutting-edge platform that combines the simplicity and familiarity of Excel with the powerful capabilities of a database. It is a versatile data management tool designed to meet the needs of a wide range of industries, including marketing, project management, human resources, sales, and software development. SeaTable allows users to handle various types of information such as images, documents, emails, checkboxes, drop-down lists, and more, all through a convenient web browser interface. With features such as table linking, SeaTable transforms from a mere spreadsheet to a fully-fledged database, enabling users to build individual processes and custom software solutions quickly and intuitively. The platform is highly adaptable, supporting both individual and team workflows, and it can be integrated with various other tools through APIs or platforms like Zapier and n8n. SeaTable is available as a cloud service or can be hosted on-premises, providing complete data sovereignty. The platform is trusted by thousands of users globally and has received high ratings on platforms like Capterra. SeaTable's modular design allows users to create efficient business processes rapidly, making it an ideal solution for organizations looking to modernize their operations without extensive coding requirements. With a variety of ready-made templates and a do-it-yourself kit, SeaTable is easy to get started with, ensuring that users can bring order to their data, develop powerful processes, and complete tasks more efficiently.

SeaTable أفضل الميزات

  1. Table linking for database functionality
  2. Integration with tools like Zapier, Integromat, and n8n
  3. Custom software solutions with a do-it-yourself kit
  4. Cloud and on-premises hosting options
  5. Ready-made templates for various use cases
  6. Robust data management including images, documents, and more
  7. APIs for extended integration
  8. User-friendly web interface
  9. Modular design for quick process development
  10. High data security standards with certified German data centres

SeaTable حالات الاستخدام

  1. A marketing team uses SeaTable to track campaign metrics, manage media assets, and collaborate on content creation across different channels.
  2. A project manager uses SeaTable to plan, track, and manage the progress of projects, assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and monitoring team performance.
  3. HR departments use SeaTable to streamline recruitment processes, manage employee onboarding, track training requirements, and maintain employee records.
  4. A sales team employs SeaTable to handle customer relationship management (CRM), manage sales pipelines, track leads and opportunities, and generate sales reports.
  5. Software development teams utilize SeaTable to organize development tasks, track bugs, manage feature requests, and plan sprints, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

SeaTable روابط

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  3. الوثائق:
  4. الأسعار:

أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي ذات الصلة